Wednesday 3 May 2017

Acid Reflux in Babies

A new mommy is worried when she finds her kid spitting out every time after feeding. This spitting though is common in infants but the increased frequency or the continuous spitting could be an alarming symptom. It may be due to the disease condition called as Acid reflux. Acid reflux is a condition where in the food taken is brought up back in to the oesophagus or in the mouth from the stomach. When it continues for several times a day and for more than six months then it is called as Gastric Oesophageal Reflux Disorder (GERD).  
Acid reflux can affect any age group from infants to the adults. About 30% of new born babies are suffering from this disorder with in the first few months after birth. 

Causes of Acid reflux
The causes of reflux are the improper closure of the oesophageal sphincter which is present at the junction between the lower end of oesophagus and upper part of the stomach. It may also be due to immature development of the digestive system at the time of birth.A history of positive GERD in the infant’s family can also be a probable cause for the disease in infant.
Infants feeding on artificial foods, may also develop acid reflux due to allergies to few substances in the artificial foods.

Symptoms of Acid reflux
As infants are too little and they cannot express themselves or describe their pain it is the duty of the parents or the guardian to check out for the following set of acid reflux symptoms. Although the symptoms are not universal for all the infants, the group of one or two symptoms are sufficient for a pediatric history.

Acid reflux symptoms are prolonged crying without cause, repeated vomiting, gagging or choking during the breast feed, difficulty in the swallowing of the food or milk, cough or wheezing, refusing the food, crying for food, no gain in the weight, bad breath especially in the early morning and constant burping. 

How to prevent Acid reflux?
Soon after the birth of the baby, the pediatrician advises the mother that after each breast feed the baby has to be to held against the chest on one side and give a light pat on baby back for the burp. This is to prevent acid reflux. Even then if the child starts with spitting out then do not over feed, feed the baby at frequent intervals i.e. at every 2 hours once but in small amounts, lean the baby against chest for some time until the child burps.
In cases of formula fed babies, a change in the brand or flavor can also help to prevent the vomiting in infants. 

When to visit your doctor?
It’s time to take your little one to a child specialist, when all the above prevention methods go in vain. When the child continues to refuse the feeding, or if there is continued vomiting for days or if there is uncontrolled crying with no cause then do not delay to consult pediatrician. If neglected, it may soon result in physical growth injury to the baby.

When the child is taken to a pediatrician, he confirms the condition by the history taken from the mother, growth chart and the diet history. This is also confirmed by a Barium swallow or by upper GI endoscopy in older kids. 

As the acid reflux is self-limiting to the age of one, it does not require any specific treatment. But in severe cases they require acid reflux medications, which includes H2 receptors like Ranitidine, Proton prompt inhibitors (PPI’s) such as Omeprazole and antacids like Maalox.

An increased dose of antacids can result in diarrhea and the long term use may have the increased risks of rickets in growing children. As there is no much safety evidence of PPI’s to infants, discuss with the pediatrician with the proper dosage and right administration.
If the symptoms continue for a period longer than one or two years then Nissen Fundoplication is done where the junction of sphincter is wrapped together for strengthening and preventing back the food contents in to the esophagus from the stomach.

For medical treatment in India, Visit: HealthOpinion

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Early Signs That Help You Spot Brain Hemorrhage

Brain hemorrhage are the most common and serious condition of brain. It is a kind of stroke and accounts for about 20% of people in India every year. This can cause emergency hospitalization of the person. 
What is Brain Hemorrhage?
Brain hemorrhage is a condition where there is a bleeding or rupture of the brain tissue or arteries in and around the brain. It is also called as cerebral bleed or Cerebral Hematoma. When there is an injury to the brain tissue or artery, swelling of the part arises and there is a collection of blood called as hematoma. This hematoma can rupture due to the increase in pressure or due to the repeated injury resulting in Brain hemorrhage. Finding the early signs help you spot brain hemorrhage which can help in saving the life of the patient and prevent the further complications.

Signs of brain hemorrhage
Signs of the hemorrhage helps in early diagnosis and in early treatment of the patient. The most common signs of brain bleed stroke are -
  • Severe sudden headache
  • Unclear or double vision
  • Sudden vomiting after the fall or injury
  • Dizziness or tired feeling
  • Loss of speech, loss of coordination, and loss of balance
  • Some people also become unconscious for few minutes soon after fall or injury
  • Loss of fine motor skills
  • Seizures of the body due to the injury to the brain may also occur.
These symptoms may also vary depending on the cause and severity of the injury to the brain cells. Any person with more than 2-3 symptoms has to be immediately evaluated for the further cause and further treatment.

Brain hemorrhage causes may be sudden or can depend on the person’s lifestyle.
  • Sudden causes are due to the head injury or fall or accidents of the person which may cause immediate rupture of the brain vessels and arteries.
  • The lifestyle causes include increased blood pressure, habits like excessive cigarette smoking and chronic drinking alcohol and uncontrolled diabetes.
  • There may also be some causes like rupture of aneurysm, severe migraine, amyloid angiopathy or brain infection with k serotype of Streptococcus mutans.

The brain hemorrhage treatment depends on the causation involved.
  • Most doctors follow the conservative line of treatment, they advise for correction of disorders by maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help in preventing the risk for the brain bleed stroke and also by quitting cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption can reduce the risk of high blood sugar levels and high blood pressure levels.
  • Doctors also give education on monitoring the Hypertension and regulating the uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes mellitus by following a well-balanced diet and healthy moderate exercises which helps in decreasing the risks of brain hemorrhages.
  • In cases of other causes involved then IV fluids given for maintaining the fluid imbalance after the injury.
  • Anti-hypertensive drugs for hypertension cases.
  • Blood transfusions is followed in cases of severe loss of blood and components of blood.
  • Anticonvulsant medicines in cases of seizures.
  • Tracheal intubation in unconscious patients for the proper air way ventilation of the respiratory tract.
  • Surgery is opted in cases of larger hematoma of more than 3cm size. Endoscopic drainage or aspiration of the cerebral fluid can also be done by the specialized doctors.

Brain hemorrhage recovery of the patient depends on the area of the brain injured. When there is a injury to the medulla oblongata or to the brain stem then success rates of survival is very less. More than 35-50% cases die on the spot of injury or accident but in some cases of injury due to the lifestyle disorders then complete recovery is possible. But in some cases of injury to the other areas of the brain lead to the total or the partial paralysis of the body, loss of body functions, and loss of fine motor skills also seen in survival patients. They require physiotherapy for years to recover completely.
To know more about treatment and HealthOpinion, Visit:

Wednesday 22 March 2017

What’s Increasing Your Risk of Afib? How to Get Diagnosed?

When the normal heart rate disappears, an arrhythmia occurs. The atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia that happens when under normal conditions.

The heart rate is the speed at which the heart beats; That is, the number of times it contracts per minute. Normally, the frequency is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. An arrhythmia occurs when, under normal conditions, the heart rate goes down (bradycardia) or rises (tachycardia).

The heart rate stops being regular. Heart rate refers to how the heart beats; whether they are regular or irregular. The heart rate adapts to the needs of the body at all times. That's why it speeds up when you exercise and slows down when you sleep. But, under normal conditions, it should be regular.

Atrial Fibrillation Causes

Occasionally, atrial fibrillation appears for no apparent reason, but other times there is a clear trigger. These are the most common causes:

  • Hypertension - The most common cause of atrial fibrillation is high blood or hypertension.
  • Heart problems - Any disease in the heart (of the valves, angina pectoris, infarction, etc.) can cause atrial fibrillation.
  • Hormonal conditions - In some cases, it may be a result of thyroid or other hormonal disorders.
  • Unknown - When no cause is found after the necessary tests, atrial fibrillation is called as idiopathic Risks associated. 

The risk of atrial fibrillation increases with age. Usually, atrial fibrillation occurs in people with previous heart disease. The heart disorders that are associated with the more frequent occurrence of atrial fibrillation are:

Hypertensive cardiovascular disease, heart disease due to a chronic increase in blood pressure which is an excessive strain on the heart muscle.

Diseases of the heart valves that separate the different chambers of the heart. For example, mitral stenosis (narrowing) or mitral insufficiency.

An acute myocardial infarction or ischemic heart disease, caused by insufficient supply of blood to the heart.

A heart failure or weakness of the heart muscle.

Have undergone heart surgery.

Inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) or the membrane surrounding the heart (pericarditis).

Atrial fibrillation also arises by extra cardiac causes:

The excessive drinking. It usually gives short-duration atrial fibrillation. It can occur after a weekend where you consume excessive alcohol which is called as holiday heart syndrome or Saturday night heart).

The consumption of drugs such as cocaine or amphetamines that stimulate the heart.

Heart Atrial Fibrillation Treatment

Treatment for atrial fibrillation (AF) depends on the severity or frequency of the symptoms and whether you already have heart disease. General treatment options include medications, medical procedures, and lifestyle changes.

There are various treatment options available, which are determined to,

Prevent blood clots from forming and reduce the risk of stroke.

Control how many times per minute the ventricles contract. This is called frequency control. Frequency control is necessary because it allows the ventricles enough time to fill completely with blood. With this approach, irregular heart rhythm continues, but the person feels better and has fewer symptoms.

Restore the heart to a normal rhythm. It is called rhythm control. Rhythm control allows the atria and ventricles to work together again to pump blood to the body efficiently.

Treat any underlying disorder that causes or increases the risk of the condition, for example, hyperthyroidism.

For medical treatment advice, Visit:

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Dental Tourism in India

All over the globe, millions of people suffer from dental problems. There can be different types of issues which can be associated with dental treatments. As per a recent survey conducted by the Indian Dental Association, the number of dental patients has significantly increased within a short span of 5 years. According to the experts, there are many reasons which lead to such a situation; among them, food habits of the people is considered to be the most important one.

Be it a child or a grown adult; anyone can be affected by dental problems. It can be very painful at times and if not taken care of at the initial stage, can lead to something very serious. In certain cases, things can escalate to something as deadly as cancer!

However, there is no need to worry as there are many experts and competent dentists available in India. Over the years, when it comes to dental care in India, there has been a massive improvement. With the introduction of new and modern equipment, it has become easier for the dentists to diagnose an issue and then to fix it as quickly as possible. These days, pain killers are not the only means of dental treatments; there are other more advanced and sophisticated mechanisms which are available these days.

India offers affordable dental care, dental treatment, dental surgeries and procedures which are usually expensive in many other countries. World class dental clinics in India with trained and experienced dentist and specialists in dental implants and cosmetic dentistry is one of the attractive side of Indian dentistry.

Dental tourism in India enables many international patents to save on dental treatments. India is a leading destination to get your treatment without compromising on the quality. It allows you to redesign your smile and confidence without compromising on the quality.

Some most demanded Dental Treatments in India

There are arrays of different types of dental treatment procedures which are available. Here are some of the most common ones offered for individuals of different age groups -

·      Teeth Whitening: When it comes to teeth whitening, these days, things have become more advanced and sophisticated. Unlike what it used to be earlier, when the entire process was done manually which took a lot of time and didn’t always give the desired results, these days, laser treatment is used for this purpose. Laser teeth whitening has proven to be the most effective means, which is painless and at the same time yields the best of results.

·   Implants: Dental implant is a process where an artificial root is placed inside the jaw so that a replacement tooth can be placed. Dental implant surgery can be the best option for those who have lost their tooth/teeth and are looking to add new ones.

·    Treating the Root Canal: When it comes to root canal treatment, these days more advanced and sophisticated means are being used. The treatment has become much simpler these days, and it takes a very little time for the entire procedure to get completed. Unlike earlier times, when the post-surgery period used to be very uncomfortable and painful, these days, with the help of the sophisticated and modern techniques, things have become much easier for the patients.

To wrap it up - the dental care industry in India has gone through a massive change over the last couple of decades. Today, with the help of modern and sophisticated mechanisms millions of people in India are served with the best dental care services. 

Monday 23 January 2017

Stroke in Young Adults

Our modern life style has put our young adults more at risk in health issues than their elders.
Stroke in young adults is one of the health issues about which we need to create awareness among the general public. This will alert both the young adults as well as their parents/guardians to take preventive measures. Stroke is a public health issue that causes long-term disabilities with emotional and socio economic consequences.

First of all, what stroke is all about?

Stroke is associated with a new onset of rapidly developing symptoms and signs of loss of cerebral function lasting more than 24 hours with no apparent cause other than that of vascular origin. Stroke is of two kinds, one hemorrhagic and second ischemic.In one type, rupturing of blood vessels of the skull occurs. In the other type, bleeding occurs at the spot between the arachnoid membrane and pia mater around the brain. These two are the major causes of stroke in young adults.

Major causes of stroke in young adults and children are different from that of older people.

Strokes develop within 24 hours of onset of symptoms, all occurring within 10 days. Therefore, early suspicion and diagnosis is necessary to prevent stroke. Migraine is an underlying factor for stroke and it also is an acute precipitant of stroke (migrainous stroke). Ischemic stroke risk is higher in females having migraine and using oral contraceptives which are a known independent risk factor for ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. People aged over 35 with a history of hypertension with smoking habits are prone to get stroke attacks. 


Regardless of age, symptoms for stroke are indicated in the acronym F.A.S.T.  “F” for drooping face on the one side, “A” for arms that cannot be raised, “S” for slurred speech, and “T” for time indicating timely action. The acronym FAST is to help detect stroke symptoms and immediate hospitalization.

General symptoms which are not exhaustive
·       Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arms, or legs particularly on one side of the body.
·       Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding difficulty.
·       Sudden vision difficulties in one or both the eyes.
·       Sudden severe headache.

General risk factors,also called as modifiable risk factors in young adults

·       Smoking
·       Alcoholism
·       Diabetes
·       Hypertension
·       Dyslipidemia
·       Past history of stroke
·       Rheumatic heart disease with atrial fibrillation
·       Oral contraceptive pills in women
 Uncommon causes of stroke in young adults.

·       Nonatheroscleroticangiopathies
·       Cervicocephalic  arterial dissection
·       Cerebral amyloid angiopathy
·       Moyamoya disease
·       Fibromusculardysplacia
·       Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome
·       Susac’s syndrome
·       Sneddon’s syndrome
·       Migraine-induced stroke

Hematologic conditions
·       Hypercoagulable state due to deficiencies of protein S, protein C or antithrombin;
·       Factor V Leiden mutation etc
·       Fabry disease
·       CADASIL  (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy)
·       MELAS
·       Marfan syndrome
·       Neurofibromatosis
·       Sturge-Weber disease

Inflammatory and infectious

·       Vasculitis
·       Temporal arteritis
·       Takayasu disease
·       Bechet’s syndrome
·       Neurosarcoidosis
·       Neurocysticerosis
·       HIV
·       Varicella zoster virus
·       Neurosyphilis
·       Tuberculous meningitis

 Indian scenario
According to a study, about 5.8 million people had been affected by stroke as far back as in 2005. Stroke has emerged as the second most common cause of death. Globally 7.8 million deaths have been estimated to occur due to stroke by 2030.  By 2050, India will be one of the regions where 80 % of stroke events will occur.

Prevention of Stroke
Quit smoking and have regular physical exercise for 20 minutes a day at least three to four days in a week.  Ensure against high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels.  Primary stroke prevention in young adults includes aggressive treatment of hypertension, smoking, and dyslipidemia. Secondary stroke prevention involves stroke etiology and treatment of additional risk factors. Secondary stroke prevention aims at prevention and reducing risk of a second stroke after identification etiology of initial stroke as part of stroke rehabilitation.

Although stroke in young adults occurs only in 10-15 % of all stroke patients, this section of the population suffers severe economic consequences as young adults are disabled well before their most productive years. Apart from aggressive treatment and control of risk factors, life style changes can prevent up to 50 % of strokes.

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