Wednesday 15 November 2017

8 Ways to reduce your risks of type 2 Diabetes

It is the most generally known form of diabetes. When your body loses its ability to synthesize glucose (blood sugar), it leads to the condition of Type 2 diabetes or diabetes mellitus. The pancreas usually produces a hormone called insulin which breaks down the glucose and sends them into the bloodstream. Type 2 diabetes occurs if the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to break down the glucose which causes the rise of blood sugar levels in the system. 

These are some ways to avoid the risks of getting the type 2 diabetes

Drink plenty of water regularly

Water controls the blood sugar levels in your body and regulates the insulin production mechanism.  Drinking plenty of water is considered one of the healthiest habits that any human can have. Alongside, making water your primary drink will cut your habit of having other beverages like soft drinks, packed drinks, milk etc., which contains a lot of sugar. Sugary drinks will boost your blood sugar levels and calories which your body might find difficult to synthesize.

Exercise regularly

Routine exercise is mandatory to avoid the risks of having diabetes. Regular workouts will enhance the ability of your body to burn the glucose by increases your body’s production and consumption of insulin. Exercises like strength training, aerobics, high-intensity training etc., readily help in blood sugar regulation of your system. You need to get up and work out regularly to burn down your calories and improve the action of insulin towards the process of synthesizing glucose in your bloodstream.

Minimize your carbohydrate (carbs) and starch intakes

Everyone craves for carbs. Yes, carbs are one the tastiest things that have ever occurred in this world. Every tasty and junk foods contain lots of carbs and carbs contain lots of calories. The carbs usually take more time than usual to break down into the bloodstream and also consume more insulin. This deprives the proper usage of the insulin produced and demands your body for more insulin. On the other hand, carbohydrates and starch are the most important of nutrition. So less the carbs, less the problems.

Increase your fibre intake

Fibre based foods are good for the digestive tract and the body mass management. These types of foods help in blood sugar regulation. Fibre based foods are easily digestible and consume less amount of insulin for the process. Thus, making your chance of getting diabetes nearly impossible.

Never get obese

Obesity is the root cause of most of the disease in this world, mainly diabetes, risks of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure etc., Majority of diabetes patients are suffering from obesity and overweight. Excess of fat gathering in and around the abdominal tissues affects the production of insulin and also makes your body resistant towards insulin causing serious cases of diabetes. Losing even a little amount of your usual weight will show a remarkable change in your bodily functions and metabolism. You should control obesity and your BMI with the help of regular exercise, low carb diets, and healthy lifestyle.  

Quit smoking

Smoking has serious risks of causing diabetes. If you are already a diabetes patient, quitting your smoking habit will never help, because the damage has already done. Smoking leads to the inhalation of a lot of carcinogens and other hazardous chemical substances that deliver a serious blow to your health. 

Go for healthy food choices

In spite of eating low card foods and fibre-rich foods, you can also regulate your daily food options towards the path of healthy food choices.  Eat healthy whole grain food, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Certain fruits contain high glucose levels, which make you prone to diabetes. Even though you are eating healthy, you have watch out for the amount of food you eat, it will be hazardous also and will increase your chances of getting diabetes. Vitamin D is so important for controlling diabetes, it will improve the production of insulin and normalizes the blood sugar regulation.

Regular health check-ups

If you are above forty, regular health check-ups become mandatory. Seek proper counselling regarding the awareness of diabetes. Consult dietitians for your doubts on your food consumption and proper health trainers to keep your weight in control.   

Friday 20 October 2017

Confuting the Myths on Osteoporosis

What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease which reduces the mass and density of the bone. This further leads to weakening of the bone, making them prone to low trauma fractures.Osteoporosis is accompanied by decreased functional impairment, pain and respiratory obstructions. Eventually it leads to decreased quality of life in older age. 

Bones in osteoporosis

It is important for all to remain acquainted with the true facts in order to maintain a good bone health and stay away from the potential risks of osteoporosis.

Here are some common myths or assumptions that prevent people from availing the right prevention and treatment strategies.

Men are safe from osteoporosis

Although the incidence is marginally more among females due to menopause, the assumption that osteoporosis is a feminist issue is not true. A Canadian study shows that 1 out of 8 men suffer from osteoporosis.Fractures due to osteoporosis are equally common in older men specially those above 50 years of age. The likelihood of developing osteoporosis among male is greater as compared to prostate cancer. 

Osteoporosis occurs only in old age

Osteoporosis can occur at any age. The serious complication of osteoporosis can be seen at old age when the natural healing process of the body slows down.While age is one of the established risk factor, the presence of any of the other risk factors, can induce osteoporosis irrespective of the age. 

Only medicines can help curing Osteoporosis

Although non-pharmacological treatment are most effective for managing the condition, one can also benefit from regular exercise sessions including muscle strengthening exercises, cardiovascular or aerobic exercises. Exercise is seen to improve the bone mineral density and produce a synergistic effect with the drug combination.

Calcium supplements are sufficient to prevent osteoporosis

While calcium is vital, other essential components like vitamin D, K, B6, B11, along with minerals are equally important for maintaining the bone health. Vitamin D is one of the key components as it helps the body to absorb calcium.

Osteoporosis is natural as we age

The prevalence of osteoporosis increases dramatically with age but in osteoporosis, bone loss is significantly higher as compared to normal aging process.The older people are at a greater risk for vitamin D insufficiency which may exaggerate their condition hence, it is very important to manage calcium and vitamin D deficiency in older people.  

Osteoporosis has a familial association

Genetics or family history definitely makes one more susceptible to osteoporosis, but there are many other factors for instance improper nutrition, hyperthyroidism, low levels of vitamin D, excessive smoking, alcohol consumption,sedentary lifestyle that can attribute to this condition.

There are indications or manifestations of the disease

Surprisingly, osteoporosis remains symptom less until the bones are extremely fragile to withstand minor fractures. People may not experience any sign throughout their 20s, 30s, and 40s when the disease may remain in a progressive stage. Hence, in order to detect osteoporosis at earlier stage, one should go for routine bone density tests.

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