Monday 14 May 2018

5 Ways Gender can Impact Hypertension

High-blood pressure aka hypertension is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular diseases. It is often left unnoticed as there are no particular symptoms that a person with hypertension may experience. Untreated and prolonged hypertension may affect the arteries and lead to impaired blood circulation to multiple organs, including to the heart and brain. 

Gender of the person, along with the age and lifestyle, influences the chances of getting hypertension. Recent medical researches have proven that women develop cardiovascular diseases more than men due to the increased blood pressure after menopause.

A study conducted by the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Centre has revealed that women will have 30 to 40 percent higher chances to be affected by the heart and artery-related disorders, even though both genders’ elevated blood pressure readings were almost same. In addition, factors such as pregnancy, oral contraception and menopause affect the blood pressure in women. 

The research also cites that the differences in the inflammatory chemical levels, estrogen levels and hormonal imbalances between both genders may also increase the chances of cardiovascular diseases in women compared to men.  

There are various other factors that influence the blood pressure rate and cause various health complications in women compared to men. 

1.  Reduced Estrogen Levels 

    • Women’s cardiovascular system features some differences compared to men’s. This differences may vary starting from the hormones that regulate the blood pressure.
    • The decreased anti-inflammatory immune cells in women leads to inflammation in the blood vessels.
    • The reduced levels of estrogen as women age would be the major cause of the increased cytokine-stimulating hormone. 

2. The Size of Blood Vessels 

    • In addition, men have bigger blood vessels compared to women. The blood circulation would be seamless in bigger blood vessels. 
    • This is also the reason why women experience higher blood pressure rates even though the BMI of a man and woman are same. 

3. Menopause 

    • Women will experience various psychological and health-related challenges in personal life when they are around the menopause age. 
    • The increased mental tensions simultaneously trigger the blood pressure rates in the women.
    • Hormonal imbalances due to the menopause can trigger increased blood circulation and kidney-related health issues. 

4. Pregnancy 

    • Pregnancy is considered as the greatest gift of all but the sad fact is it also leads to few health issues. One among them is blood 
    • The blood pressure rate in a normal woman is lower than the pressure in a pregnant woman.     
    • High-blood pressure in pregnant women has become a common issue these days, triggering health complications 2 to 3 percent in 
      overall pregnancies. 
    • According to a study, the weather shows a significant impact on the chances of increased blood pressure. 

5. Reduced Physical Activity 

        • Health issues in women start once the menopause occurs and there are various reasons for it. 
    • The level of physical activity significantly gets reduced as women age and the plaque forms in the blood vessels of a woman faster 
       than in a man. 
    • Obesity or overweight is the main reasons for blood pressure both in men and women

Apart from that, men and women who live in the cold weather conditions are likely to increase their blood pressure compared to the people who live in warm weather conditions. 

It is a common myth that men are at higher risk of getting hypertension compared to the women. The results of few medical researches have proven that women develop hypertension faster than men after menopause. Especially, few health conditions and reduced estrogen levels put the women at the receiving end of hypertension than the men. 

It is imperative for women above 40 to check their blood pressure at regular intervals, stick to a balanced and healthy diet and involve in some kind of physical activities everyday is the best treatment for hypertension.

For preventive health check-up, Visit:

Monday 16 April 2018

Effective Post-Delivery Exercises to Ease Lower Back Pain

Delivering a baby is a miraculous experience- one which gives a new life to not only the baby but the mother too.  All the nerves, muscles and joints in a mother's body have to work in a coordinated effort to push the baby out into the outside world. Most often, women complain of severe back pain after delivery. This back pain might persist for few months and can be cured with proper medical treatment and exercises after delivery. If left uncared for, it might lead to chronic back pain issues which might even lead to back pain surgery.

Reasons for lower back pain after pregnancy

       1. The pelvic joints and ligaments are loosened and made flexible by hormones to ease the baby out of the womb. If these joints become very loose, this might cause back pain.

        2. The abdominal muscles supporting the spine also stretch and become loose, causing back pain.

      3. The weight of the baby and expanding uterus alter the mother's posture, triggering pain in the back.

      4. After delivery, the baby gains weight and all activities involving the baby like lifting, feeding, bathing etc. cause a strain on the back muscles which are already weakened by pregnancy.

          5. Pregnancy and breastfeeding deplete the calcium levels in a mother's body. This makes the bones brittle causing severe back pain and at times fractures leading to back pain surgery.

Lower back pain after pregnancy can be relieved by doing some exercises after delivery.

Essential exercises after delivery to relieve lower back pain

The lower abdominal muscles are the ones to concentrate on during exercises after delivery. These exercises are a must as they are the ones that support the spine and back and are responsible for posture. Exercising the lower abdominal muscles strengthens the back, corrects the posture and burns belly fat.

    1. Breathing

Soon after the delivery, start these abdominal breathing exercises. Breathe in, hold your breath for 5 seconds thereby stretching your abdomen. Exhale by pulling the muscles in and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat this procedure 5 times.

    2. Pelvic floor exercises

These floor exercises are for strengthening the pelvis and must be done immediately after delivery, even if it is a caesarean operation. Use an exercise ball for this with a carpet to ensure that the ball does not slide away from you.  
Sit on a ball. bending slightly forward. Squeeze and lift the pelvic and lower stomach muscles as if you are controlling your bladder from urinating. Hold this squeeze by lifting one foot up for 5-8 seconds. Relax and repeat this 5-10 times using both legs and keep breathing as you exercise.

    3. Pelvic Tilts

Lie on your back on a yoga mat and bend your knees, relaxing your abdomen. Now slowly flatten your back on to the floor towards the spine, hold for 5-8 seconds and release. You should feel your back lengthen as you press it down. Repeat this 5-10 times slowly.

    4. Knee Hugs

Lie on your back, fold up your knees and bring them forward to your chest. You should not lift your head or move your shoulders towards the knees. Only the knees should be brought towards the chest. Hold the knees together while stretching your back comfortably. Hold for 15 seconds and release. Repeat this at least 3-5 times.

Lower back pain after pregnancy is common but should not last beyond 2-3 weeks. It should be cared for instantly with exercises after delivery and proper medical treatment else this might lead to chronic spine problems later.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Down Syndrome: Ways to help your Child Communicate

Down's Syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes physical and mental abnormalities in children. It is a result of irregular cell division after the fusion of the sperm and egg which results in extra genetic material being transferred from chromosome 21 to the new embryo. Also called Trisomy 21, Down's syndrome is characterized by physical and mental retardation and unusual facial variations. One in every 600 babies born worldwide is said to have Down's syndrome. 

Signs and Symptoms of Down's Syndrome 

Children with Down's syndrome have certain unusual facial characteristics like 
  • Small undersized head 
  • Flat face 
  • Upward slanting eyes 
  • Ears positioned lower than normal 
  • Stunted neck 
  • Small mouth with protruding tongue 
  • Wide hands with short fingers 
  • Overall retarded growth 
  • Poor Mental IQ 
  • Loose muscle tone with excess flexibility 

Apart from these, children with Down's syndrome also suffer from lung, heart, intestine and hearing problems. 

Causes of Down's Syndrome:

Late pregnancy in women:  Pregnant women over 45 are at greater risk as their eggs are older and may lead to improper chromosome division 

Delivering one baby with Down's syndrome: The chances are more for the next baby to have Down's syndrome if its elder sibling already is affected by it. 

Heredity: If the parents have Down's syndrome, there are great chances of this being passed on to their children. 

Down's Syndrome prevention

Doctors claim that taking adequate amounts of Folic Acid or Vitamin B9 before and during early pregnancy stages may help in Down's syndrome prevention. 

Folic Acid is crucial for the development of the brain in infants. It is also responsible for the production of red blood cells in babies and the vital key to their strong mental health. 

Down's Syndrome prevention is thus possible only with consumption of sufficient Folic acid through spinach, dairy products, seafood, eggs, fruits and nuts. 

Medical Treatment in India for Down's Syndrome 

Every year in India, there are incidences of  23 to 26,000 children with Down's syndrome. But hope is not lost as there are enough health centres and hospitals offering medical treatment in India for Down's syndrome. 

Down's Syndrome treatment starts with initial screening and diagnostic test during the first trimester, cell-free fetal DNA analysis, amniocentesis and cordocentesis and karyotyping at birth. 

A baby affected by Down's syndrome needs early intervention to improve the duration and quality of its life. Early intervention involves several therapies directed at helping children cope with their daily difficulties. 

Speech Therapy - to improve the speaking and hearing skills of the child 

 Behavioural and Emotional therapy- to help them cope up with their condition and the stress it involves, to interact with their peers normally and to tackle age-related issues like puberty etc. 

Multispecialty treatment - Children with Down's Syndrome are often affected with heart, lung, ear and digestive problems. So they require multispecialty treatment from cardiologists, endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, audiologists etc. 

Helping children with Down's syndrome 

Treating children with Down's Syndrome as part of the society is the first step in helping them. 

Apart from this, the following activities can help children with Down's Syndrome 

  • Using pictures to illustrate topics using books 
  • Using assisted devices like touch screen tablets and laptops 
  • Improving their writing ability by using  special pencils, pencil grips and sloping surface to write 
  • Reading aloud and recitation to improve their speech, hearing and vocabulary 
  • Improving motor skills using finger puppets, beads and pegs, lego and hand gym. 
  • Games to improve hand-eye coordination like building bricks, jigsaw puzzles, mazes and tracing patterns 
  • Inculcate independence by encouraging them to eat, bathe and dress on their own. 

Down's Syndrome is definitely a congenital genetic disorder but one whose medical treatment in India is done both efficiently and economically. 

Monday 19 February 2018

9 Essential Foods for Zinc – And, the Role of Zinc in Treating Hair Loss and Night Blindness

The health benefits of zinc are numerous. It is essential for almost all organs and systems in our body. Zinc stimulates the learning potential of the brain and improves cognitive ability, helps the immune system by stimulating the free radicals, and reduces the stress levels which in turn keep diabetes under control. Lack of zinc in the appropriate proportions in the body leads to various health issues.
Medical researches on zinc and its essentiality in the body state that a man should take about 11 mg and a woman about 8 mg per day for better health. This element will be available in natural diets and you could also take it as a supplement post consulting the physician.

Here are 9 essential 3foods that are rich in zinc and take them on a regular base as part of your balanced diet.

·         Beans – This is the best food for fibre, antioxidants, magnesium, potassium and zinc. Making it part of your diet help you in reducing heart diseases and diabetes.

·         Animal Meat – Red meat is an excellent source of zinc. Balanced consumption of red meat ensures sufficient amounts of zinc in your body.

·      Nuts – The power-packed food with proteins is also rich in healthy fats such as mono and poly-saturated fats, Omega-3 fatty acids and zinc.

·       Fish – Fish is full of health essentials such as Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D and Vitamin E, and minerals such as calcium, potassium and zinc.

·      Seafood - Crabs, clams, lobsters, oysters and other seafood are low in cholesterols and excellent sources of zinc and other minerals just as fish.

·       Dairy Products – Ensure Milk, yoghurt and other dairy products are consumed daily as they are good sources of zinc.

·       Seeds – Sesame and pumpkin seeds are excellent sources for zinc. You could consume them raw or eat the boiled ones. However, roasting decreases the zinc levels.

·         Fruits – A complete diet is incomplete without fruits. Consume pomegranates, avocados, berries and bananas as natural zinc supplements.

·        Mushroom – Similar to spinach, mushrooms are high in zinc. People who don’t like any of the foods mentioned above can choose mushrooms as an alternative.

Zinc plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy life. Deficiency of it may lead to various health issues such as reduced bone strength, immunity and infections. Zinc also works as the best treatment for Alopecia (Hair loss) and night blindness, the two major health issues faced by many due to stress and untreated short-sightedness, respectively.

·         Alopecia – This is a condition of excessive hair loss occurred due to stress, sedentary lifestyle and excess use of chemicals or drugs. One way to address this issue is taking a balanced diet and food that is rich in beta-carotene and zinc. The essential nutrients for healthy hair such as biotin, Vitamin C and iron, along with zinc work as a great supplement for hair regrowth. Doctors may prescribe zinc capsules as an additional supplement in case of high-deficiency of this mineral. Scientific researchers have proven that zinc works as the best treatment for hair loss, especially in the children.  

·         Night Blindness – It is a condition where the person could not see during night time. Conditions such as retinitis pigmentosa, untreated short-sightedness and cataracts may lead to night blindness. The treatment for this condition depends on the reason of it. Doctor may prescribe glasses or medications for glaucoma. However, with regular consumption of zinc, this condition can be prevented from advancing as Vitamin A needs zinc in functioning effectively.

Zinc is essential for our body in every aspect. Ensure this mineral is available in your regular diet and avoid various medical issues.   

Monday 8 January 2018

How do you prepare yourself for Gamma Knife Surgery?

The Gamma Knife surgery is a non-invasive, advanced radiation therapy focused on small to medium-sized tumours located in the brain. Unlike as suggested in name the procedure does not include surgical incision but involves radiation therapy with single, many beams of high-intensity gamma radiation, targeted very precisely to destroy a tumour.

Basically, the Gamma Knife treatment includes six steps:

Applying the frame
Imaging studies
Treatment planning
Gamma Knife treatment

Since this is a non-invasive procedure, surgical risks are eliminated and can be performed in a day or two without hampering much of the daily activity. If you have been scheduled for a gamma surgery, you may feel apprehensive. You need not feel anxious as the preparation is quite simple and involve only a few steps.  

Preparation prior to the day of the therapy

The preparation starts, a day prior the scheduled gamma knife surgery. Depending on your medical findings, doctors may recommend certain medications which should be taken positively.  It is advised to fast for eight hours before the treatment. So, preferably don’t eat anything after midnight.  In case you witness any abnormal pain, immediately inform the doctor.

Wash your hair using shampoo and refrain from using any product other than shampoo. It is good to take adequate sleep, so try sleeping early.

Make sure you have a family member or a friend who can accompany you to the hospital, stay at the hospital during the entire treatment.  

Preparation on the day of treatment

The procedure usually takes a day and you will be discharged the next day. It is good to wear comfortable and relaxing clothes.  Remove all your accessories, contact lenses, hairpieces, dentures and avoid any makeup products. Make sure you reach the hospital within time. Before you change into the hospital gown it is best to empty your bladder.

Applying the Frame

The head is cleaned at the position where the stereotactic frame is placed.  The local anaesthetics are administered at the pinpoints of the frame to achieve numbness in these areas, following which the head frame is placed. A slight discomfort may be felt at the time of administration of anaesthesia and frame insertion but this will last only for a short duration. 

Imaging Studies

Subsequently, after frame attachment, imaging studies are performed to trace the exact location of a tumour.  The imaging tools may include computed tomography (CT) scan, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, or a cerebral angiogram. The images obtained from these are used by the team to plan the specialized treatment.

Treatment Planning

On completion of the imaging, you are allowed to relax and take rest for some time; meanwhile, the team works on the treatment plan.  

Gamma Knife Treatment

When the team is ready with the treatment plan, you will be assisted to the gamma knife area. The nurse will instruct you to lie down on the bed. In most of the patients, a blood pressure cuff, oxygen monitor and EKG monitor is connected to monitor vital signs.  A special helmet, known as collimator helmet, is fitted over the stereotactic frame. After making all the necessary arraignments for the initiation of the treatment, the team will leave the room. You will also be observed with a video monitor.


Upon completion of the therapy session, the stereotactic frame is removed and a sterile dressing is applied at the pin insertion points. You may have a headache or nausea after the treatment.  You can communicate with the nurse and get medicines. Most of the patients will be discharged the next day.  You can return to your normal activities, eat and drink as per your mood and choice.  

Monday 11 December 2017

Miracles which Only Sesame Oil Can Give You

Sesame oil, also called gingely oil is a generally known as a cooking oil in our Indian culinary. It is considered as one of the healthiest and highly favourable oil used for culinary purposes. This oil is extracted from small brown seeds called Sesame seeds which are widely grown in Africa and India. It contains numerous essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals that are vital for the prosperity of the human body. 

Sesame oil is rich in antioxidants and has tons of health benefits. Cooking with sesame oil is normally practiced in most of the Asian countries like India, China, and Japan. It is also a fundamental ingredient in various Middle Eastern cuisines and continental dishes. Nowadays, top chefs all around the world are recommending sesame oil in daily culinary activities. It has polyunsaturated fat with omega 6 fatty acids which are really crucial for the heart and cells.

Sesame oil benefits are not only limited to culinary and exotic cuisines but also for distinct therapy and medical treatments. Application of sesame oils in a medicine dates way-way back from the pages of history could read. Multiple historical records have been found through time that shouts the undeniable purpose of sesame oils in the field of medicine in different regions of the world like ancient India, China, and the Middle East. Still, it is extensively used in Ayurvedic treatments in India and therapeutic treatments across the world. 

Here are some wonderful applications of this miracle oil,

Sesame oil for skin
  • The antioxidants present in sesame oil will delay your aging process and prevents skin wrinkles when applied to the face regularly.
  • Sesame oil will stop skin dryness and other harmful factors affecting the skin. Thus, giving your skin a natural glow and a fair complexion.
  • It is applied all over the skin in the various forms of massage therapies because of its moist nature and it relieves the body from heat and pressure. It also makes your skin flexible and tranquil.
  • Zinc content in the sesame oil helps in the healing of skin wounds, cuts or scars and it also repairs the possibilities of further skin complications.
  • Applying sesame oil regularly on the skin will prevent skin infections and wipes out dark spots, acne, age spots etc.
  • If applied before taking a bath, sesame oil will release unnecessary heat from the body and regulates the body temperature.
  • High vitamin E enrichment in sesame oil prevents premature aging and nourishes your skin by keeping it young.
  • It is a natural moisturizer that prevents sunburn and also prevents toxins from entering the body.
  • It helps in the treatment and prevention of fungal infections over the skins like rashes and scabies.
Sesame oil for hair
  • Regular sesame oil massage on your head prevents hair loss. Sesame oil is essential for those who are working under direct sun rays which usually damages basically every aspect of hair.
  • Applying warm sesame oil on your head before taking a bath will reduce your body heat and boosts hair growth.
  • It also removes lice and dandruff problem. It increases the moisture content of your scalp and leaves no environment for lice and dandruff to thrive.
  • Massaging your scalp with sesame oil will eventually improve the blood circulation in your head giving you sheer relaxation and deep sleep.
  • Proper usage of sesame oil will darken your hair and avert grey hairs.
  • It prevents excess hair fall and provide the necessary nourishment for the roots.
Sesame oil for health
  • Consuming sesame oil than any other cooking oil will greatly reduce your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels.
  • Performing an oil pulling with sesame oil will bring you to the peak of oral hygiene and prevents tooth problems like sensitivity, plaque, bleeding, decay etc.
  • Cooking your day to day food with sesame oil is good for the heart and it strengthens the cardiac muscles. It also cures any chances of heart disease by eliminating oxidants and free radicals.
  • Higher content of Zinc, Copper, and Calcium in sesame oil raise bone density, bone development, fasten the reattachment of bones after fracture and prevents osteoporosis, the condition of bones becoming weak and fragile.
  • Sesame oil contains all the necessary supplements that reduce the probability of having cancer in near future.

Wednesday 15 November 2017

8 Ways to reduce your risks of type 2 Diabetes

It is the most generally known form of diabetes. When your body loses its ability to synthesize glucose (blood sugar), it leads to the condition of Type 2 diabetes or diabetes mellitus. The pancreas usually produces a hormone called insulin which breaks down the glucose and sends them into the bloodstream. Type 2 diabetes occurs if the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to break down the glucose which causes the rise of blood sugar levels in the system. 

These are some ways to avoid the risks of getting the type 2 diabetes

Drink plenty of water regularly

Water controls the blood sugar levels in your body and regulates the insulin production mechanism.  Drinking plenty of water is considered one of the healthiest habits that any human can have. Alongside, making water your primary drink will cut your habit of having other beverages like soft drinks, packed drinks, milk etc., which contains a lot of sugar. Sugary drinks will boost your blood sugar levels and calories which your body might find difficult to synthesize.

Exercise regularly

Routine exercise is mandatory to avoid the risks of having diabetes. Regular workouts will enhance the ability of your body to burn the glucose by increases your body’s production and consumption of insulin. Exercises like strength training, aerobics, high-intensity training etc., readily help in blood sugar regulation of your system. You need to get up and work out regularly to burn down your calories and improve the action of insulin towards the process of synthesizing glucose in your bloodstream.

Minimize your carbohydrate (carbs) and starch intakes

Everyone craves for carbs. Yes, carbs are one the tastiest things that have ever occurred in this world. Every tasty and junk foods contain lots of carbs and carbs contain lots of calories. The carbs usually take more time than usual to break down into the bloodstream and also consume more insulin. This deprives the proper usage of the insulin produced and demands your body for more insulin. On the other hand, carbohydrates and starch are the most important of nutrition. So less the carbs, less the problems.

Increase your fibre intake

Fibre based foods are good for the digestive tract and the body mass management. These types of foods help in blood sugar regulation. Fibre based foods are easily digestible and consume less amount of insulin for the process. Thus, making your chance of getting diabetes nearly impossible.

Never get obese

Obesity is the root cause of most of the disease in this world, mainly diabetes, risks of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure etc., Majority of diabetes patients are suffering from obesity and overweight. Excess of fat gathering in and around the abdominal tissues affects the production of insulin and also makes your body resistant towards insulin causing serious cases of diabetes. Losing even a little amount of your usual weight will show a remarkable change in your bodily functions and metabolism. You should control obesity and your BMI with the help of regular exercise, low carb diets, and healthy lifestyle.  

Quit smoking

Smoking has serious risks of causing diabetes. If you are already a diabetes patient, quitting your smoking habit will never help, because the damage has already done. Smoking leads to the inhalation of a lot of carcinogens and other hazardous chemical substances that deliver a serious blow to your health. 

Go for healthy food choices

In spite of eating low card foods and fibre-rich foods, you can also regulate your daily food options towards the path of healthy food choices.  Eat healthy whole grain food, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Certain fruits contain high glucose levels, which make you prone to diabetes. Even though you are eating healthy, you have watch out for the amount of food you eat, it will be hazardous also and will increase your chances of getting diabetes. Vitamin D is so important for controlling diabetes, it will improve the production of insulin and normalizes the blood sugar regulation.

Regular health check-ups

If you are above forty, regular health check-ups become mandatory. Seek proper counselling regarding the awareness of diabetes. Consult dietitians for your doubts on your food consumption and proper health trainers to keep your weight in control.   

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