Monday 21 January 2019

The Incidence of Leprosy in India

We all happen to sight people with bumps and lesions in their hands and often without the ability to operate daily chores with their hands. Some of us flinch when we see them. Some of us take pity. There might be other kinds or reactions too. But this is not necessary at all. There are many myths surrounding leprosy. One of them is that it is a curse or that it can be transferred instantly if we go near them. These are not true.  

Leprosy is a progressive infection caused by a bacterium, Mycobacterium leprae. It affects the skin, eyes, nose and nerves. It is curable and if detected early, disabilities can be prevented. In the 138 countries from all WHO regions, the prevalence of leprosy at the end of 2015 was around 176 000 cases. The number of new cases reported globally in 2015 was 211 973, as per WHO global reports.  

This number has come down as compared to the number of new cases in 2013 and 2014 respectivelyLeprosy is prevalent throughout the world but is most common in India, Brazil, and other areas with warm climates 

Leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease, is usually contracted by breathing airborne droplets from affected individuals' coughs and sneezes. It is also transmitted by coming into direct contact with their nasal fluids. It has not been inherited, only the risk of contracting leprosy is passed on to the next generation. But it is not highly transmissible. Around 95% of individuals exposed to Mycobacterium leprae never develop leprosy.  

The infection is not age-specific and can be contacted at any age. The downside to the disease is that symptoms can take anywhere from several months to 20 years to appear. By the time the symptoms are visible and attributed to the infection, it may not be possible to avoid permanent damage.  

Leprosy disease treatments is not a single shot with one type of drug to cure it easily, like other infections. Depending on the severity, symptoms and intensity a multidrug therapy is put into action. 

India makes up around 58% of the world’s leprosy cases. This figure is huge, mostly due to lack of knowledge of the disease. During the pre and post-colonial periods, individuals affected by leprosy were shunned and discriminated against. With awareness, the stigma is reducing but the status of India being the largest affected country remains the same.  

Funds for the elimination of leprosy and medical treatment in India have improved considerably. India runs the largest leprosy education program in the world. Despite such efforts, Individuals with leprosy have formed colonies to create a neighbourhood without discrimination for themselves.  

Some do not even disclose the existence of such symptoms to the family. The rest of individuals living within the society have a tough time maintaining jobs and family.  
In order to prevent such social stigma and to encourage inclusiveness in the society, one has to be more aware of leprosy and change the idea behind leprosy. Leprosy was thought of as a curse or consequence owing to sins committed, and that befriending such individuals will make one contract the same disease. However, it is one of the least infectious diseases.  

One must also know the symptoms to ensure friends and family get the required assistance on time. Leprosy disease symptoms include blisters or lesions on the skin, rashes, loss of colour, redness, reduced sensation of touch and pin and needles.  

Disability occurs in the advanced stages of the infection. It takes around 30 years for the symptoms to appear or manifest completely. Spreading awareness on issues such as leprosy will help in reducing the incidences or at least stop the discrimination suffered by many.   

Thursday 27 December 2018

Wellbeing and health during festivals

Being healthy is a challenge at all times. It is especially so during festivals. We are all ready and geared up to celebrate the good with kith and kin. The atmosphere lures us all into a celebratory mood, making us feel the unusual and occasional cheer and high spirit. All of us most often give into this spirit, giving away our priorities we have on our health. Indulging in festivities may not impact us directly but it still puts us off our routine. One may ask how it is possible to balance both health and festivities simultaneously. The answer is not easy. Maybe we cannot focus fully on both the areas but, even if we make small conscious choices to be at our best it is commendable. The different aspects to be considered in maintaining health during festivals include food and fitness. Let us look at them one by one.  

Food is inseparable from mankind’s celebrations. It is difficult to exercise restraint during the selected and limited occasions that we get to enjoy traditional delicacies. Though it is true, if we are under an obligation to proceed with caution, it is better we do so. Enjoying rich delicacies can be made healthier with healthier substitutes if possible. This point is valid for nationals of countries like India, where festivals and celebrations follow one after the other. If you are a tourist or individual visiting India for a medical sojourn, you can see plenty of tourist hotspots brimming with different flavours and aromas. These irresistible moments are doubly tempting when there are festivals. Try to find healthier options to make up for the frequency of cravings. Lot of food and health awareness has led to innovative and healthy food options. One such example is the substitution of refined sugar with palm sugar, millets instead of white rice.  

The other aspect to be considered is fitness. Here it is fitness and not exercise because during festive seasons, most of us travel or are on the move, meeting and greeting. During these travels and constant movement, it is difficult to maintain a regime, be it diet or exercise. But wherever we go, we can make sure we get a good bit of movement to make up for the exercise. Short walks, bicycling, treks or jogs could be a good fitness activity while touring. While travelling, we have to be aware of public health issues. Before starting our holiday travel, we must ensure necessary precautions are taken. Vaccinations, health assurance, availability of medical aid and medicines that we may need, etc. are some of the medical aspects of fitness.  

The best way to keep track of all is to keep a checklist and have a plan. Planning beforehand, whether travelling or not can come in very handy. Monitoring our choices of food and limiting them as per our requirements is an option if we cannot totally avoid rich and fatty food. Of course, another alternative is to let it all go, come back and plunge into our diet and fitness routines. Being proactive is always better than reactive. Whatever the case, it all comes back to self-control, planning and forethoughts. If you are in India for medical treatment make full use of medical tourism benefits. Enjoy the culture, appreciate the difference, while keeping in mind the health and safety in mind. There are plenty of doors waiting to be discovered.   

Monday 26 November 2018

The Perks of Undergoing Ayurvedic Treatment in India

Nature is the best when it comes to healing. So are the nature-based cures. Ayurveda has gained popularity over time for its ability to heal without many side-effects. More importantly, the calming and soothing treatment methods that reinvigorate individuals. This alternative medicine has prevailed in India since medieval times. The core of Ayurveda is using indigenous herbs and oils with medicinal properties to address specific health conditions. These herbs and oils are mostly cultivated or easily sourced by Ayurvedic or Naturopathy centres. Some of these herbs or spices are also commonly used in Indian cooking and hence very common medicines. 

The other aspect of Ayurveda is that it administers treatment or cure based on the individual’s body type and condition. According to Ayurveda, every individual has a separate type of body conditions and hence treatment must be tailor-made for each type. The categorisation arises out of classifications prescribed in ancient texts of Ayurvedic science. Hence, an individual is first identified with his or her body conditions. Later the source of the health condition affecting the individual is identified. Ayurveda has treatment for healing both the cause and symptoms of diseases. 

India is the top Medical Tourism destination for Ayurveda, given that it is the origin of the naturally-healing science. Many renowned institutions are sought for Ayurvedic wellness. Here, we say wellness because, in Ayurveda apart from treating the physical condition, a cool and serene mind is essential for sound health. This is given great importance by such institutions which are reflected in terms of the architecture and design of the accommodation and treatment centres. Most often, these treatments halls/centres are located in the same destination as the place of stay. Elements of nature are included strategically to give peace of mind to the residents. 

Benefits of Ayurvedic treatment 

  • 1. It addresses the root of the disease and tries to eliminate the cause rather than instant addressing of symptoms. 

  • 2. Ayurveda has therapeutic measures for lifestyle disorders like stress and anxiety. The institutions and place of residence or lodging add to the serene atmosphere felt during treatment. 

  • 3. The natural way of healing has zero or very few side-effects which can be overcome. Medicinal herbs and spices used are sometimes commonly found in Indian kitchens, making them readily available, unlike medicinal drugs. 

  • 4. Overall wellness – both physical and psychological wellbeing is folded into the treatment plan. 

  • 5. Treatment or cure is specific to the body type and conditions of each individual, determining the course of treatment individually. 

  • 6. One of the top medical tourism focus in India, making it accessible to individuals across the globe. 

  • 7. Ayurvedic centres mostly include accommodation as well, making it convenient to avail treatment. 

With the popularity of Ayurveda, various institutions have been established throughout India offering various Naturothrapy and/or Ayurvedic cures. Centres are present in the North and South of India. The South Indian state of Kerala is widely known for its Ayurvedic treatment and therapeutic sessions. It is also famous for its inclination towards nature and preservation. Nevertheless, it is best to seek guidance from experts or medical advisors before choosing a destination. 

Tuesday 30 October 2018

Everything You Need to Know about Stroke Epidemiology

Stroke is characterized by the blockage of the blood supply to the brain that happens due to the rupture of the blood vessel in the brain. Because of this, blood and oxygen supply to the brain tissues is not reached which makes it an emergency situation and requires immediate medical treatment. 

According to WHO, more than 15million people suffer due to stroke attack each year and half of them die and another half million people are permanently disabled. High blood pressure is one of the vital reasons for stroke. The stroke attack is increasing worldwide due to the aging population. 

Cardiovascular disease refers to the more than one disease of the circulatory system that includes the heart and blood vessels. It includes the blood vessels that distress the lungs, brain, kidney and other parts of the body. There are six types of cardiovascular diseases such as Ischemic heart disease, a Cerebrovascular disease that leads to stroke, Peripheral vascular disease, Heart failure, Congenital heart disease, and Rheumatic heart disease.  

Cardiovascular or heart disease statistics show that it is one of the leading health ailments and also leading cause of death worldwide. It is evident that mortality rates are high due to heart diseases other than cancer and respiratory illness.  

Heart stroke or Ischemic stroke happens when the artery to the brain is blocked. The arteries bring the fresh blood from the heart and lungs that contains oxygen and nutrients. Also, it removes carbon dioxide and other cellular wastes. During the stroke attack, the arteries get blocked and stop working that cause the brain cells to die. Therefore immediate medical attention is needed. 

The cause for heart stroke is due to various diseases that lead to narrowing of the arteries mainly to neck and head. This is due to atherosclerosis and cholesterol deposition (plaque). Here the blood cells get collected and form a clot. The clots when block the artery at the place of formation is called as thrombosis, or when it gets dislodges near the brain is called an embolism. Another reason for stroke is a blood clot in the heart due to an irregular heartbeat, heart attack or dysfunctioning of the valves.  

Heart stroke symptoms include, 
  •   1. Face drooping or numbness on one side of the face. 
  •   2. Numb feeling of one side of the arm or unable to lift it. 
  •   3. Speaking difficulty, unable to speak clearly. 
  •   4. Incapable of movement on one side of the body 
  •   5. Trouble in vision 
  •   6. Difficulty in walking or feeling dizziness 
  •   7. Confusion 
  •   8. Headache for no reason 
  •   9. Lack of control over the bowel movements 
  • 10. Changes in the taste bud 
  • 11. Difficulty in hearing 
  • 12. Difficulty in swallowing food or water 

Treatment for stroke 
Timely management of stroke is important to save the situation. Medical treatment of stroke in India is done at several reputed hospitals. Best neurologist and neurosurgeons are available and they use the most advanced techniques such as robotic treatment is given to save the life of the patients. Ischemic or heart stroke is treated to restore the blood flow in the brain. Medications are given in the first four and half hours of the stroke attack to unclog the blood vessels. The purpose of the treatment is to stop the bleeding and to control the blood pressure in the brain. After the healing, the damaged blood vessels are repaired. 

Stroke recovery treatment involves rehabilitation therapy that involves different aspects such as;  
  • Speech therapy – it involves overcoming speech and communication difficulties. 
  • Physical therapy – it helps a person to relearn things and coordination activities 
  • Occupational therapy – it helps a person to carry out daily routine activities 
  • Support groups – it helps to overcome mental health problems and depression.  
  • Family and friends support – the family members and friends should provide practical support and comfort so that recovery after stroke becomes an easy process. 

Stroke can be prevented by finding out the root cause and altering lifestyle habits such as consuming healthy diet, maintaining the ideal weight, regularly exercising, quitting smoking and tobacco, and avoiding alcohol. 

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